Year 5 – Runaway Study Guide

Year 5 – Runaway Study Guide

Some of our Year 5’s have made us this brilliant video showing the adventures of their runaway study guide! Thank you so much, we all miss you too!...
Message from our Head Boy

Message from our Head Boy

Hi BMS, we are in week 5 now. I just wanted to check in to see how we are all doing. This is a tough time and we need to hold up the fort. We need to get it together and not be annoyed and weird about things just because we are bored. Not many people want to admit it...
VE Day Challenge

VE Day Challenge

This week we would love to see lots of our students joining in with a special video for VE Day! We are putting this together to bring a smile to the faces of local residents who – especially in care homes – will not be able to celebrate as they would have...
Blog Highlights – 26 Apr

Blog Highlights – 26 Apr

It’s been another amazing week – thank you so much to all staff and students both for contributing and watching our videos!   We started on Monday when Mrs Curtis and her dancing team set the BMS students a challenge to join in with the BBC’s...
Student Submission Compilation

Student Submission Compilation

Today we’re sharing a selection of brilliant videos that our students have sent in!   Oliver in Year 7 has followed up his previous toilet roll video with an infinity challenge full of bouncy balls!   Matty in Year 5 has been busy making his own music...